Artisan Stonework

He who works with his hands is a laborer.  He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman.  He he who works with his hands and his head and his heart is a artist”

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Stone masonry is a passion here at Keystone masonry & heat.  A craft as old as civilization that creates unique mosaics of natural materials that will stand for ages to come.  Keystone masonry adheres to traditional principles, bonding and building practices, as much as possible, to create the character that only proper stone masonry can achieve.  We use hand chiseling and tooling techniques to give our projects a timeless look.  Hand carved lettering and creative features are use to personalize and add unique elements to our projects.  We are versed in mortared work as well as age old drystone principles.  Our work is not only a craft but each project is custom work of the heart.

Hearths, fireplaces, veneers, patios, walkways. retaining walls, garden features, steps, feature walls, indoor or outdoor.

Please contact us to begin the process of working on a unique timeless feature for your home.

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